—u/Solaris_0706 “She is up aaaaall night. She does not get breaks like you in the week. She is asking you to get up at 7. A defined time. Go to bed earlier if this is an issue. She is surviving. I doubt she is living her ‘dream life’ if this small request has been so poorly supported by you.” —u/DrMamaBear —u/bloseja “Nothing wrong with liking to play video games, but you shouldn’t prioritize it over your spouse’s literal welfare. Plus, this is just a temporary phase, so it’s not like he won’t be able to get back to his more usual weekend routine once the baby gets a little older and starts sleeping through the nights again. Sacrifices must be made when you have a kid. And it should be both parents shouldering that load, not just one.” —u/lasting-impression —u/Pavlover2022 “I also don’t understand how he’s supporting her monetarily when she works two days a week AND is responsible for cooking and cleaning and baby care. My dude is doing well less than he should.” —u/saucynoodlelover “These dudes act like they do soooo much when they have no idea what all emotional labor women are just expected to do by default, and work, and be a flawless mother.” —u/celtic_thistle —u/BrightnessInvested